Virtual Workshop on NSF Cyberinfrastructure Funding

We collaborated with AIHEC and The Quilt on a virtual workshop series and presented on National Science Foundation cyberinfrastructure funding programs, approaches to develop campus cyberinfrastructure goals and strategies, important tools for grant proposal writing.

A group of students learning in a classroom setting.
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Virtual Workshop on NSF Cyberinfrastructure Funding

The Minority Serving – Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC) is excited to collaborate with the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) and The Quilt on a two-part virtual workshop series.

The workshop series discusses National Science Foundation (NSF) Cyberinfrastructure (CI) funding Programs targeted for representatives of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), tribal colleges and universities (TCUs), and under-resourced minority-serving institutions (MSIs) and their cyberinfrastructure collaborators. 

The goals of this workshop series are to train constituents at HBCUs, TCUs, and under-resourced MSIs, as well as their collaborators, on relevant NSF CI funding programs, approaches to developing campus CI goals and strategies, important first steps and tools for grant proposal development, and identifying potential CI collaborators. 

Workshop Part II on Jan. 24, 2024

Our second virtual workshop occurred on January 24, 2024, from 1-4 p.m. ET. Workshop presentations are linked below

Workshop Part II Agenda

1-1:10 p.m. ETIntroduction

NSF CI Funding Workshop: Welcome & Introduction
1:10-1:40 p.m. ETDeeper Dive into Target CC* and TCUP Program Areas

Recording 1: Introduction/Deeper Dive into Target CC
1:40-1:50 p.m. ETQ&A / Discussion
1:50-2:20 p.m. ETBreakout Groups by Program Areas, with Experiences
TCUP CHAI and planning
CC* Planning and CI Research Alignment
CC* Campus Networking
CC* Campus/Regional Compute & Data

NSF CI Funding Workshop: TCUP and CC Areas
NSF CI Funding Workshop: Breakout
2:20-2:35 p.m. ETBREAK
2:35-2:55 p.m. ETCC* Regional Connectivity Requirements, Components, and REN Support

Recording 2: Regional Connectivity Requirements
NSF CI Funding Workshop: Regional Connectivity Requirements
2:55-3:05 p.m. ETQ&A / Discussion
3:05-3:45 p.m. ETBreakout Groups by Region, with REN/campus Experiences

NSF CI Funding Workshop: Breakout 2
3:45-4 p.m. ETResources and Wrap-Up

NSF CI Funding Workshop: Resources and Wrap-Up
Recording 3: Resources and Wrap-Up

Workshop Part I on Nov. 8, 2023

Our first virtual workshop in the series was held on Nov. 8, 2023. Download the workshop materials and presentations.

Topics discussed during part one of the workshop included:

Who should attend?

These workshops are intended for campus IT leaders, IT staff, faculty, and administrators at HBCUs, TCUs, and under-resourced MSIs, who often wear multiple hats at their institution.  We also strongly encourage potential CI collaborators of these institutions, such as regional networks and collaborating universities, to join us at the workshops.

Visit our Why Cyberinfrastructure page to learn more about cyberinfrastructure and why your campus should invest in it.

Cyberinfrastructure (CI) Plan Community of Practice

MS-CC hosts a monthly CI Plan Community of Practice for IT leaders, staff, faculty, and those interested in the development of CI plan documents.

Cyberinfrastructure (CI) 101 Webinar Series

The MS-CC hosted webinars to encourage, educate, and empower our community participants with tools and resources to make an impact on their campus IT infrastructure.

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Check out all of our upcoming events and workshops, including recurring monthly calls designed to facilitate community-driven experience sharing.