MS-CC Annual Meeting Presentation Guidelines
Congratulations on your presentation for the 2024 Minority Serving – Cyberinfrastructure Consortium (MS-CC) Second Annual Meeting held May 29-31 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C.
If you would like to have your presentation included on the event website, please submit a PDF copy of your presentation on or before May 17. If you have questions or cannot comply with these guidelines, please contact as soon as possible.

Preparing and Submitting Your Presentation
Please follow these steps to ensure we are able to properly process your presentation. To ensure it is associated with the correct session, please name and submit your presentation according to these guidelines:
- Name your presentation file – Please name your presentation according to this example: YYYYMMDD-lastname-title, where YYYYMMDD is the year, month, and day of the scheduled presentation; your last name; and the title is a shortened version of the topic or session title, all in lowercase.
- For example, a PowerPoint presentation on cyberinfrastructure given on May 30, 2024, by Jane Doe would be named “20240530-doe-cyberinfrastructure-update.ppt.”
- Use an accepted format – Please save your presentation in one of the following formats: PowerPoint (ppt, pptx), Keynote (key), or Portable Document Format (pdf). Please note: All conference projectors support 16:9 (widescreen) format.
- Save a copy in PDF format – If your presentation is not already in PDF format, please provide a copy in PDF format for online posting. Saving a copy allows you to review the converted copy and ensure that the information and graphics appear as intended.
- NOTE: MS-CC makes every effort to make all presentations publicly available as PDF files to ensure the highest accessibility for our online audience and to help protect speakers’ copyrights. The presentation and PDF versions should have the same name (except for the file extension). If you would like your presentation to be posted online in PowerPoint format (for instance, because it includes some important animations that cannot be translated into PDF format), please include a note to that effect in your submission email message.
- Submit your presentation (and PDF copy) to on or before May 17, 2024. Alternatively, you may send your presentation to at the conclusion of your session.
Delivering Your Presentation
Here are some simple tips to help make your presentation successful.
- Please practice giving your presentation before the meeting.
- Please confirm your presentation time by visiting the program schedule on the event website.
- Please allow time at the end of your presentation for Q&A.
- If your presentation includes a panel of speakers, please sit in your speaking order. The first speaker should sit closest to the podium.
- Indicate if you are the moderator of a panel and please contact Lanika Starks if there are any speaker cancellations.
- Speak directly into the microphone at all times. Ask questioners to walk to the microphones provided to ask questions, or repeat the question into the microphone. Audience members will not be able to hear content delivered off-microphone.
- Presenters may bring a printed handout. The meeting support personnel or room monitor will be available to help you place them or hand them out to attendees.
- Presenters are required to use their own laptops. Internet2 will provide an HDMI cable so you should bring your own HDMI-capable computer, or dongle, and be ready to plug it in.
- If you have any questions or cannot comply with these guidelines for any reason, please contact as soon as possible.
Lightning Talks
Here are some tips to help make your lightning talk successful.
- Rehearse your talk multiple times to ensure you can deliver it comfortably within 5 minutes.
- Your presentation should clearly articulate an overview of your product or service and include examples of how Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) can benefit from it.
- If you offer any special incentives for HBCUs and TCUs, please highlight those in your 5-minute presentation.
- To ensure a seamless and efficient flow of the lightning talks, presenters must share their slides with Lanika Starks by Friday, May 24.
- After the lightning talk sessions conclude, you will have one hour to answer additional questions participants may have about your product or service in a social setting. You will have an assigned table during this hour, where you may greet participants and provide promotional materials.