Mark Your Calendar!

Event Calendar

Check out all of our upcoming events and workshops, including recurring monthly calls designed to facilitate community-driven experience sharing. 

MS-CC Workshop at Alabama A&M University

Alabama A&M University in Montgomery, AL,  Oct. 29-30, 2024, for a cyberinfrastructure and cybersecurity workshop. You can find more information about the workshop here.

MS-CC All Hands Meeting

Location: Zoom. When you join the MS-CC, we send you a recurring calendar invite for the MS-CC All Hands Meeting that includes the Zoom connection details. If there is a technical issue and you did not receive the calendar invite, please contact the MS-CC program coordinator, Teni Agbesanwa.

Event Series MS-CC All Hands Meeting

MS-CC All Hands Meeting

Location: Zoom. When you join the MS-CC, we send you a recurring calendar invite for the MS-CC All Hands Meeting that includes the Zoom connection details. If there is a technical issue and you did not receive the calendar invite, please contact the MS-CC program coordinator, Teni Agbesanwa.