About the MS-CC

What We Do

By working together and in community, we strive to strengthen the student, faculty, and staff experience at HBCUs and TCUs by focusing on sustainable campus-level IT capabilities for data-intensive education and research programs.

A student and teacher discussing work.
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Our Focus

Increasing Access to Cyberinfrastructure Resources

MS-CC explores and develops effective strategies and leading practices that campuses may use to engage their community with cyberinfrastructure at local and broader levels. By leveraging state, regional, national, and international resources, we aim to help individuals become more effective users of cyberinfrastructure.

Group of professionals discussing

Enhancing Interactions and Effectiveness Among Researchers and Cyberinfrastructure Professionals

MS-CC is committed to expanding and improving research computing infrastructures to institutions with minority-serving missions. We aim to promote research conducted at the campus level and foster collaborations between institutions.

A young female scientist doing research.

Enabling Innovation in New and Diverse Teaching and Learning Environments

MS-CC is dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning environments through the use of advanced cyberinfrastructure. We focus on the effective integration of cyberinfrastructure to improve the impact, reach, and effectiveness of educational programs.

Three females sitting and talking in a forest.

Professional and Career Development

MS-CC is dedicated to providing and sharing career development activities, curricula, and training for professional cyberinfrastructure staff and faculty, researchers, and students. We aim to support campus research computing and data efforts by enhancing engagement and collaboration among professional cyberinfrastructure staff and researchers. 

A group of students posing for a graduation photo.
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Community Alignment and Development

MS-CC acknowledges and appreciates the distinct missions of HBCUs, TCUs, HSIs, and the broader community of MSIs. We strive to focus on the values and interests shared among MS-CC participants. We prioritize open and ongoing dialogue to ensure decision-making and actions align with the interests and goals of the MS-CC’s participating institutions. Together, we work toward achieving collective goals and bringing about positive change across the MS-CC community.

Group of students walking through campus.